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Tech Notes


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Tech Notes



Date: 07-22-05 

merit industries, inc.

Re: DVD Software Updates 

Merit will be switching from CD to DVD Force software updates beginning with the September software 

release.  In response to operator feedback that software updates take too long, coupled with the 

inexpensive cost and increased reliability of DVDs, Merit has decided to make the switch to DVD 

technology.  This will decrease the amount of time required to install software, as DVD readers have a 

faster data transfer rate.  In addition to faster installation, DVDs hold more data, which means fewer discs 

to install.  The entire Force 2006 update will fit on one DVD. 

DVD readers also read and install CDs.  Since the Maxx platform will continue to use CDs for software 

updates, this allows operators to use one reader to update both Maxx and Force games. 

DVD readers are readily available at retail consumer electronics stores and on the Internet.  Merit has 

tested and approved the following DVD reader for use with all DVD and CD updates: Sony model 

DDU1613.  The Lite-on brand DVD, model SOHD-16P9S, has also been approved for all DVD updates 

and CD updates to all games with the exception of games that have Telco motherboards.  Due to 

variations within a model number, manufacturer changes, and other variables, Merit cannot guarantee the 

functionality of any reader.  We recommend that you test your reader with all your Merit products.  Other 

DVD readers may also be compatible and we will continue to test and approve more readers for use with 

the software. 

If you have any questions, please contact Merit Customer Service and Technical Support by phone at 

215-639-4700 or 800-445-9353, or by E-mail at